SimplifyUX analysis,
boost conversion

Air360 is the UX analytics platform that uncovers hidden user behaviors and decodes the end-to-end user experience, speeding up CRO efforts.

Say hello to quick insights
Say goodbye to analytics headaches

Air360 simplifies the process of comprehending the digital user experience. It reveals customer behaviors that are invisible to conventional analysis methods.

The Go-To platform for complete & flexible CRO analysis

Instant Full Visibility

Uncover digital journey insights and conversion opportunities fast.

Optimization Focus

Target high-impact areas and segments for maximum conversion gains.

Testing Impact

Evaluate the holistic impact of A/B tests or actions on user experience.

Why Air360


Ultra-light, no-code, and painless data collection

Experience smooth no-tag analytics with Air360's market-leading lightweight script. Eliminate the hassle of tagging and mapping any events or experiments for seamless integration and user behavior analysis.


Speed up analysis & fast-track CRO

Unify your team with our easy-to-use plugin, transforming tedious data analysis into a one-click task. Access rapid behavioral metrics & test results in seconds, not days, and turn them into strategies that minimize abandonment & increase conversion.


Rapid clarity to unmask dropoff reasons

Air360 automatically tracks every user click, path, interaction or event, eliminating blind spots in URL-based analytics. It provides detailed user journeys revealing post-landing actions, unseen digital paths, and reasons for abandonment.


Precise segmentation for the CRO ecosystem

Air360's event-driven analytics provide in-depth user insights and enable the creation of hyper-granular & actionable segments. This leads to personalized strategies, effective A/B testing, and improved user experiences, significantly boosting conversion rates.

Cross-functional impact through analytics

Improve your experience

  • Reduce abandonment
  • Increase add-to-cart
  • Increase conversion

Maximize marketing efforts

  • Reduce CPA
  • Optimize channel post-landing experience
  • Improve campaign conversion

Prove ROI immediately

  • Multiply conversions
  • Get more customers
  • Increase revenue
The resort picture

Real Achievement

Club Med, which operates approximately 70 resorts in 24 countries, has seen a significant increase in sales since implementing Air360, with a +97% conversion rate and a +48% retention rate for options.

Conversion rate
Retention rate

Beyond UX analytics

Build your CRO Roadmap with Air360 experts as your extended

Custom Onboarding

Tailored to your existing data & challenges, guiding you in UX analysis.

Ongoing CRO Workshops

Regular sessions with your CRO specialist to co-create your roadmap and prioritize impactful optimizations.

Dedicated CRO specialist

Scale optimization with a dedicated manager guiding your team from onboarding to success.

Rapid Technical Support

Swift, responsive support tailored to your analytics requirements.

Empowering your CRO ecosystem

An open, integrative platform that feeds your tech-stack.

Learn More

Get Started

Decode on-site behavior, reveal hidden journeys, and accelerate conversion with Air360.

Request a demo